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car wrap marketing


When it comes to vehicle wraps, it’s important to make use of the science and art behind visual marketing strategies. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and make the most out of your visual marketing strategy, here are the six steps to ensure your success.

1.      Keep Things Odd and Interesting

The mind is naturally drawn to off-kilter advertisements. Think of it this way, if you see an ad with an equal number of elements, your eyes will simply look past it since there isn’t anything interesting to look at. But if you arrange the elements so that they aren’t perfectly proportioned, the eyes tend to wander a bit and a customer is lured in.  Instead of opting for perfectly symmetrical designs, go for a look that is not too even.

2.      Repeat It like A Pop Song

There’s a reason why pop songs repeat certain lyrics again and again. Repetition helps the brain remember. So if there are certain elements you want to be remembered (say, your logo or your contact details), strategically arranging it can help people remember those details. A lot of popular brands do this since it’s a surefire way to catch people’s attention.

3.      Contrast Says A Lot

When you eye a specific design, make sure that you’re not just concerned about the color contrast. Contrasting details, textures, and materials can also be utilized to make the most out of a wrap.  Just make sure that the contrast is tastefully done and does not end up turning into an eyesore.

4.     Light

Interior designers, architects, and painters have one thing in common: they know how to effectively utilize lighting. When it comes to car wraps, there are two sources of light. One is on the front of the vehicle and the other is at the back. If you want to highlight certain things or you want to make a statement, make use of the available light sources on a vehicle. Alternatively, the sides of a car are one of the most visually appealing places to put contact details or your logo.

5. Engage the Senses

An effective visual marketing strategy isn’t complete if you don’t utilize at least one more of the other four senses: taste, smell, sound, or touch. “Taste” can best be utilized by businesses who use their vehicles for delivering food products. Food trucks are another example. Instead of just putting a sign that says you sell sandwiches or Chinese food, painting a nice picture that invites the viewer to sample your food is a good example. Just remember that when you’re designing a car wrap layout, try to engage the other senses as well.

6. Hire the Professionals

At the end of the day, hiring a professional team to handle the design and installation of your vehicle wrap is a sound investment. Not only will you have the collective knowledge of a whole team, you’ll also have a whole team at your disposal when you need to have your wrap repaired, removed, or duplicated on a different vehicle.