Food Truck Wraps
It’s the thrill of the chase, based on an article that appeared in Harvard Business Review that makes food trucks appealing to consumers. But is it really just the pursuit that drives customers to check out a food truck? In the past three years or so, the mobile catering scene has grown considerably, especially in Los Angeles, where food trucks are deemed as more than a passing trend. Of course, what this means at least for new food truck owners is that the industry is already teeming with established players. So beyond making sure that they’re offering something new to the hungry public, the new guys will have to take steps that will let them enjoy a larger portion of the market share.
Presentation Is Half The Battle With Food Trucks
Some food truck owners believe that it all boils down to the food – how good it is, what makes it delicious, and if it does offer value for money. And while there is nothing wrong with this belief, it doesn’t really take into account those who are new to the business or those who, for some reason find it hard to establish their presence in the industry despite offering exceptional culinary fares. If you are trying to break into the food truck industry, perhaps you should look into the marketing aspect of your enterprise. Consider having custom food truck graphics installed on your food truck to really make it appealing to your target customers. You can check out the various vehicle wrapping companies and their body of work to see if they have the printing capabilities and expertise to execute your food truck wrap design.
ADI’s Clients
ADI has wrapped popular Los Angeles food trucks such as Mac N’ Roll, Sugar Babies Cupcakery, and Pnut Butter Bar, just to name a few, with custom graphics that deliver maximum visual impact. If you have a food truck and want to optimize your marketing efforts, we will be glad to help you out. True to our creed of wrapping anything that rolls, we are always looking forward to helping both small and large companies through our cost effective printing solutions. With the mobile catering industry being such a phenomenon in Los Angeles, we are of course, excited at the prospect of outfitting various food trucks, especially those that need a little outdoor advertising help. For more information, please feel free to explore our site or send us a message via our online contact us form. We create the best food truck wraps and graphics allow us to help you turn your idea into reality.