Vehicle or car wrap advertising is one of the best marketing investments around. That’s the main reason why you should invest in car wrap advertising. A lot of facts and figures support this claim. First of all, a single car wrapped vehicle can be seen by up to 70,000 times in a single day. Of course this will depend upon your routes and how many times you drive around in a single day. Not to mention that car wraps are the cheapest form of outdoor advertising to date. No need to rent billboards or outdoor furniture. You can advertise as long as you want, whenever you want. Here are the other reasons why you should invest in car wrap advertising:
Target Locals
Car wrap advertising is one of the best ways to advertise your brand or company especially if your business targets locals in your area. So if you’re running a food business, a service-oriented company, or you just want to expose locals to your brand, then look no further than car wrap advertising.
Advertise Anytime
If you use your vehicle mostly at night time, what you can do is to opt for graphics or vinyl that can be seen at night. There are special graphics that’s specifically made to be seen at night. This way, your marketing prowess doesn’t choose the “right” time. You advertise your business all day long. Reflective or even light-up signs along with your good old wrap is an effective method of nighttime advertising.
Increase Brand Recognition
If you’re relatively new in the biz, car wrap advertising is one of the best ways to increase your customers. More people will know about your brand and it is easier to reach out to a lot of people who are specifically looking for your product or service.
You Get More Bang For Your Buck
Car wrap advertising lasts for up to 5 years. Of course if you don’t want to stick with one car wrap design for 5 years, you can easily have your wrap replaced. Underneath, your vehicle will remain the same – car wraps leave no marks at all, and in fact, it actually protects your vehicle’s paint job. So when you invest in a car wrap design, you also invest in your car. You extend your paint job’s shelf life and your car will have a layer of protection against scratches and other physical damages.
Simply put, if you’ve got a small amount set aside for marketing and you want to target locals in your area, you simply can’t go wrong with car wrap advertising.