Trade Show Displays

Choosing Your Trade Shows Displays

Getting the right trade shows displays is very important. Companies spend money just to join trade shows and invest in advertising tools like display cases, booths, etc. A lot of thought has to be put in the designing of these displays because it’s not enough that everything is visually pleasing.

You’ll have to maximize the space that you have, and make the entire set up somewhat inviting to consumers. What you need to find are expert graphics artists who can help you design and build this large scale model. Below are things you’d like to keep in mind, though.

How to Make Effective Trade Shows Displays

  1. Stress your brand. Use your brand colors, logos and slogans in the design. As much as possible, incorporate them into your displays as smartly as you could. These innovations don’t have to cost so much money. Just tell us your budget and we can help you conceptualize designs that could be done given your financial limitations. Will the letters on your table be lit? What kind of wood will you be using for your display cases? Choose the designs that you feel would communicate your message most effectively, and try to balance out style with functionality.
  2. Look at your set up from the eyes of the consumer. Sometimes, when you’ve been employed for so long in a company, you tend to immerse yourself so much in its culture that you forget how it looks from the other side of the fence. Think like a consumer and compare your selling points against your competition’s selling points. Make sure that you’re tapping into the right resources when you design your displays. Keep your displays well within the eye level of your target consumers. If you’re trying to attract adults, you might want to place your cases higher. If you’re displaying toys, it might be more effective if you place displays low enough for the kids to look at them too. Consider situation “demo” areas in your booth as well.
  3. Weigh your budget well. Don’t overshoot your budget. The beauty of hiring capable graphics artists is that they can always find a way to work around your budget. Plan with our team of graphic artists before agreeing on a specific booth design. If you must go a little over your budget, choose displays that are thrice as attractive as the ones you originally planned to use. Let our team help you choose from our wide range of display options.

Leave An Impression

To leave that lasting impression at your next trade show, you need the eye candy that leads to a handshake and a potential customer. We have any and every resource you’ll need for that attention-stealing trade show booth, from tabletop displays, banner stands–to large custom packages that are sure to be show stoppers, equipped with custom design from head to toe.

The best part is that we deliver these at an aggressively competitive low cost without sacrificing a single pixel of high resolution or quality. For more information make sure to check out our partner company that specializes in trade show displays Display Creatives.


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